2020 Phase Two Plans
P.P.U.I. - 02/06/2020 - Return to Pitch and Putt
Phase 2 for the Return to Pitch and Putt June 8th
This could change depending on Government and HSE Guidelines
Pitch and Putt Ireland are pleased to publish protocols for a safe return to playing our Sport, our aim is to ensure that it is played in a safe environment during this pandemic. It is important that clubs take on board all aspects of these protocols.
The health of our members and all others who play our sport is very much to the forefront of our thinking, and therefore it is vitally important that all players are familiar with public health measure as set out by the Government. It is pretty much agreed by all medical personnel that this virus doesn't like the outdoors and therefore there is a much lesser chance of contracting it, while out playing, provided social distancing and proper hand hygiene and cough etiquette are strictly observed.
This is the only official document on protocols for a return to playing, all other documents circulating have not been submitted to Sport Ireland.
Clubs must ensure that: -
Members with colds or any symptoms of COVID-19 must stay away from courses
Social distancing rules are observed by members & guests both on the course and in car park
Clubs should appoint a COVID-19 Officer to ensure consistent compliance with the Protocol
Play in Phase 2 is restricted to members & members guests only
Clubs must have a logbook for members & members guests to sign-in (using own pen/pencil) with their name, contact number and the time they played (this is essential for contact tracing)
Maximum of four players per tee (at twelve-minute intervals)
Clubhouses to remain closed except for toilet facilities
Do not handle the other players clubs or golf balls and do not shake hands
Members are reminded not to touch flags or flagsticks. Cups can be altered for easy retrieval of the ball. Attachments to flagsticks are commercially available to allow players to retrieve the ball without handling flagstick. To facilitate this the rule that the flagstick must be removed and placed off the green is being suspended temporarily
Alternatively play can proceed without flagsticks
Rakes must be removed from the course
Club Competitions may be played, but there must be strict measures in place to avoid close contact when entering and paying fees and collecting scorecards
If scorecards are being used, the player will be allowed to mark their own card with the score agreed by the marker, at the end of the round the player will write the markers name on the card
If this is the chosen option, due care and attention will be needed at the collection point, surfaces must be cleaned on a regular basis and handwashing/sanitiser facilities should be provided. The committee should request that the player fills in his details on the card with the date and the name of the competition
The committee should put in place a method for the safe return of the scorecard, they may accept a photo of the card by text or email etc. If cards are returned the committee person who oversees the competition should not handle the cards for at least 24 hours
Clubs should erect signage in relation to Social distancing and should ensure that they have adequate handwashing facilities
Hand sanitisers should also be made available
If toilet facilities are used, they should be cleaned on a regular basis
Juvenile members must be accompanied by an Adult in Phase 2
They should allocate a specific time for those members who until recently were cocooning
Remove movable seats, if seats are fixed in the ground put signs up to let members that they are not to be used
Players must observe the following rules: -
If you are ill or have any symptoms of COVID 19 stay home
Ensure your group is no greater than that allowed by the club
Do not exchange equipment with any others
Wash your hands and equipment before you leave home
Travel to the course on your own or with members of your own household only
Always observe Social Distancing
Change your shoes in the car park
Do not use rakes in bunkers, players are asked to smooth bunkers using their feet or a club
Do not use water fountains, ball cleaners
After your round return to your car, change your shoes and put your equipment in the car and leave
If you must use the toilet facilities, ensure you adhere to health and safety guidelines
In addition: -
Bring your own sanitiser to the course & use regularly during the round
Bring your own food/hydration to the course
It is most important that clubs take whatever steps are necessary to ensure implementation of these protocols. We know that these restrictions are not going to last forever, and we also know that other opinions will abound, but we think these protocols will allow for the safe playing of Pitch and Putt.
Please stay safe and adhere to all Government and HSE guidelines.
NEC Pitch and Putt Ireland.
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